Tuesday, April 1, 2008

New Found Source!

The new source I found is called Film Theory Goes to the Movies by Jim Collins, Hilary Radner, Ava Preacher Collins and Ava Collins. Film Theory provides analyses of various pop culture, recent movie and presenting articles about various films in the book.  The books argues for the integration of these films into modern culture and addresses cultural debates that have arisen due to these texts.  It employs varying views, specifically from feminist to post modernist, and applies them to movies.  In regards to Thelma and Louise, the book offers an article called Thelma and Louise and the Cultural Generation of the New Butch-Femme by Cathy Griggers (pg. 129) which offers a feminist take on the film and the impact it has made.  I can use this in my paper as one take on the film.  

1 comment:

Ms Bates said...

Get a closer to a summary of the article:

"Using a feminist stance (as seen in X and Y methods or claims) it argues that the impact of T&L is A and B."