Thursday, February 28, 2008

Follow Up Points

Patterns throughout the Film Thelma and Louise:
-Cars/use of various trucks and vehicles in key scenes
-Last scene, drive off the cliff in the convertible
-Louise is attacked by the man in front of her car
-Stop at the gas station with the truck driver
-Consistently on road with various large trucks driving by
- Trucks and cars are suggestive of male dominance (men represented by trucks)

-Breaking stereotypes of women
-Women fugitives
- Take women in two standard positions and attempt to show how they are not tied to their molds

Aspects of the Film I Could Write About-
- Cinematography, elements of the film structure, artistic aspects of the film, dialogue
- Symbols within the film (cars, guns, etc.), ultimate outcome of the film and how it may or may not be reflective of societies views regarding women and the positions they are supposed to hold in society
- Male characters and how they fit various roles in society, how the male characters influence the decisions of the women in the film, 
- Connection between the journey of the characters and the journey of women in general, discuss varying stereotypes in the film and how the film either breaks these or affirms them,

Reflection on My One-on-One:
I think I proposed some good points that I could potentially use in my paper. Ms. Bates suggested that I go back and watch the film and free write patterns or strains that I see throughout the film. I'm currently working on watching the film and working through that. Above are some of the things that I have seen so far or remember from previously viewing the film. I think there is a lot to work with with the movie and I'm pretty settled on using the movie.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Cultural Texts 2

I went to the movie store and decided to look for a cultural text there. I discovered the movie "Thelma and Louis."  I have seen this movie and recalled some of the main themes throughout the film.  The movie focuses on the interactions between men and women.  I think this would be a good cultural texts because it deals with so many issues that reflect how gender roles influence our society and the ways men and women interact.  Furthermore, stylistically the film is also reflective of cultural images and it refers to themes throughout other movies and books.

I also went to the music library and found a Beatles album.  This gave me the idea to choose a few Beatles songs and write about the cultural implications of there music and, if I chose different songs throughout the course of their careers, I could analyze how there music reflects the changing cultural trends that occurred when they wrote their music.  I would focus on the changing style and lyrics of the music and how that coincides with the changing lifestyles of Americans.  I could both focus on how the Beatles music influenced these trends and how the trends of the nation changed their music.  

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Cultural Objects

The first cultural object I found in my room is a small Che Guevara stuffed animal.  He is dressed in the typical army uniform that Che is generally portrayed in.  Similarly, he is wearing the beret that defined Che Guevara.  I have always been interested in South American history, as well as political science and how it has defined various cultures.  Yet, Che Guevara often reminds me about the consumerism that often follows political movements.  Brands have used Che's image on tons of various toys, t-shirts, and posters.  The consumerization of his name and face could be an interesting topic to explore in my paper.

My second cultural object is the book Not On Our Watch.  This book is written by Don Cheadle and John Prendergast.  The two chronicle their personal experiences regarding the genocide in Darfur.  I have always believed this issue is highly underpublicized and not regarded enough by both citizens and politicians.  This book brings greater acknowledgement to these issues and is important in influencing my generation and hopefully inspiring them to make change. 

Sunday, February 17, 2008

First Post!

Admittedly, it is hard to find people who actually enjoy there Research Analysis Essay experiences, yet the girl across the hall from me had a genuinely good and successful experience.  The source she used was Facebook, which, I'm sure, all of us are familiar (or obsessed) with.  Her advice was key: Pick a source you won't get sick of.  She suggested making sure that the writer is genuinely interested in the topic they choose.  If you pick a source just because you think it will look good, you will get bored.  She suggested letting yourself get into the piece and not just be resentful and complain the whole time (which, I guaranteed, I will do). She also stated that its just Writing One, so don't worry too much about it.  Though it an important course, its not the end of the world.  

Overall, her experience writing about Facebook changed while writing the paper.  At first, she wanted to take on Facebook from a psychological position, but, after discussing with her teacher, she decided that as the "Facebook generation," she could take a more personal angle with the paper, and she excelled with that position.  Overall, I think her advice was fantastic, and the most important part of this project is to pick something we are genuinely interested in and not worry too much about the paper.