-Cars/use of various trucks and vehicles in key scenes
-Last scene, drive off the cliff in the convertible
-Louise is attacked by the man in front of her car
-Stop at the gas station with the truck driver
-Consistently on road with various large trucks driving by
- Trucks and cars are suggestive of male dominance (men represented by trucks)
-Breaking stereotypes of women
-Women fugitives
- Take women in two standard positions and attempt to show how they are not tied to their molds
Aspects of the Film I Could Write About-
- Cinematography, elements of the film structure, artistic aspects of the film, dialogue
- Symbols within the film (cars, guns, etc.), ultimate outcome of the film and how it may or may not be reflective of societies views regarding women and the positions they are supposed to hold in society
- Male characters and how they fit various roles in society, how the male characters influence the decisions of the women in the film,
- Connection between the journey of the characters and the journey of women in general, discuss varying stereotypes in the film and how the film either breaks these or affirms them,
Reflection on My One-on-One:
I think I proposed some good points that I could potentially use in my paper. Ms. Bates suggested that I go back and watch the film and free write patterns or strains that I see throughout the film. I'm currently working on watching the film and working through that. Above are some of the things that I have seen so far or remember from previously viewing the film. I think there is a lot to work with with the movie and I'm pretty settled on using the movie.